Cocktail Advent Calendar-Dec 11, The Applejack Rabbit

Today’s Cocktail Advent Calendar is a victory lap for new Rob Roy bartender Zach.  I heard He and Anu did 100 Spanish Coffees last Sunday, and that zach was making them 3 at time.  This is not some Paul Bunyan story either, it was truth.  Good work, devil dog.  So this week Zach gets to be mellow and make a simple sour and Anu can catch up on paperwork/ old episodes of 30 Rock.

New Jersey. REPRESENT!

The Applejack Rabbit  is today’s cocktail.  Did you think that maple syrup is some new trendy ingredient? No, detail obsessed David Embury beat everyone to it like 50 years ago.  Bourbon is fine and dandy but  whiskey was born in Ireland, rum is from the America’s but less from America but applejack is the real deal american mongrel spirit.  Applejack is America’s bastard brandy.  Read more on it here.  But please understand we’ll be using a beautiful bottle of bonded applejack, not the colonial swill.  The Applejack Rabbit is only as good as you want to make it, use good applejack and use real maple syrup (which costs much more than actual alcohol).


If David Embury were alive today his blog about this drink would be 3,000 words long and you'd need a digital scale to measure ingredients.


The Applejack Rabbit

  • 1 .5 oz applejack
  • .25 oz fresh orange juice
  • .25 oz fresh lemon juice
  • .25 ounce maple syrup

I better not hear about anyone doing maple syrup shots at the bar.

This entry was posted in apple jack, applejack rabbit, bonded apple jack, Classic Cocktails, Cocktail Advent Calendar, Cocktails, Holiday Drinks, maple syrup, maple syrup cocktails, Rob Roy. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Cocktail Advent Calendar-Dec 11, The Applejack Rabbit

  1. Actually, the AppleJack Rabbit goes back at least 84 years to Judge Jr’s 1927 book, “Here’s How”. Unfortunately, in that book, the recipe is: 1 Hooker applejack; 1 Hooker maple syrup; Juice of 1 Orange; Juice of 1 Lemon.

  2. Pingback: Rule 37: The Applejack Rabbit | Squirrel Farts Drink Blog

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