Drinking Like a Man is Coming Back. When? Now.

**CRACK** goes the can of Simpler Times Pilsner as I open it and sit down.  I have been waiting far too long to finish up drinking like a man and yes, I have been getting your emails calling me lazy for not finishing.  Well, maybe I do laze, but with beer in one hand and whiskey in the other…well what I’m trying to say is typing with my nose is difficult…

We have already done rules 1- 5: The “don’t” of drinking like a man

Rule 1: No Vodka

Rule 2: No “Tinis”

Rule 3: No Light Beer, Unless…

Rule 4: Jack Daniel’s Is For Pussies

Rule 5: Order The Right Drink In The Right Bar At The Right Time

Now, onto rules 6 -10: The “do’s” of drinking like a man

Rule 6: Cash, the Etiquette of Dollars

Rule 7: Own Your Drink and the Glass It Is In

Rule 8: Order Champagne, Often

Rule 9: Own a Flask And Good Home Barware

Rule 10: Know Your Limits

I promise that these are going to be coming out faster, sharper and with an acute sense of derelict wit that only the un-employed me could evercraft.  Cheers, and enjoy what is on the way.

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2 Responses to Drinking Like a Man is Coming Back. When? Now.

  1. rafe says:

    Boom bam. Fantastically glad to have you back!

  2. Casey Robison says:

    “own your drink and the glass in it”

    No asking for a manhatten in a “man’s glass”… asshole… it’s 3 ounces of liquor in what is possibly the most aesthetically coolest glass of all time. Bucket glasses don’t make you look like a man… They make you look like a fuck-tard who drinks manhattens on the rocks. Peace out.

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